i'm not entirely sure why i'm starting this blog, but it must have something to do with the fact that i'm on winter break and have free time for the first time in months. i do find myself cooking constantly no matter how busy i am, and now that my wonderful husband has given me a great camera i feel like all of the silly pictures i take of the food we make can at least be shared by anyone interested. i am also in the early stages of my graduate studies and would like to share thoughts and reflections about things i come across, my research interests, my readings (and reading list), and musings on life in general here. local food, and urban food landscapes are becoming particularly important to me and i find myself searching out these issues and how they relate to environmental sustainability, urban health and social justice, along with transcendent, delicious food experience that span sourcing, cooking and eating.
i look forward to feedback and inspiration on all of these topics and more.
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